LEROY IS SO EXCITED TO LET Y’ALL KNOW THERE WAS ZERO CANCER FOUND IN HIS FINAL HISTOPATHOLOGY TEST POST AMP!! As of now, we officially have ZERO detectable cancer cells! BYE CANCER! What a thanksgiving blessing (sorry I was a little late to announce it)!
We are one month and 3 days post amp, and you would never know it with this dog! I keep waiting for bad news, but Leroy keeps proving me wrong! Every time there is an obstacle in his path, he beats it! I’m so proud of this big fighter!
The metronomic chemo is going great and we will continue to take it orally every other day, indefinitely. No side effects so far! He takes a diuretic on the days he takes the metro as well as a NSAID twice a day. We are a week in on the metro and will have his white blood cell level checked next week to make sure all is well 🙌🤞
We are so thankful for the Tripawds community this holiday season! I would be so lost without all of y’all and reading everyone’s blogs and forums. For this, I am forever grateful and I hope Leroy’s journey can help someone in any way possible. This has been such a rollercoaster ride and I’m honestly not sure if Leroy would be here without this community. We also blessed to have found Tripawds and for his amazing A&M team, his Dallas vet who has been with us every step of the way, our family, friends and neighbors, and everyone who has been rooting for our goofy, crazy, amazing and inspirational LEROY!! 😘
Leroy had a great Thanksgiving and wants to show off his new turkey bod for y’all! Thank you Leroy for letting me dress you up and helping me laugh my way through this! You are way tougher than I am! Also, thanks to his Dad who dreaded these photos and thought dressing up as a chef was too creepy!! Also, thank you Tripawds for Leroy’s new tripawds bandana!! He wore it with upmost pride all week long and will continue to do so! ❤️❤️❤️
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